Campo de' Fiori - Jewish quarter
Rome Domes apartment:
All the domes, belfries
and sights you can see
Fine two bedrooms two bathrooms apartment, with sitting room, dining room, and large open plan kitchen, endowed with two utmost panoramic terraces with panoramic views of most Rome's domes, in an elegant historical palace facing the famous Tortoise fountain. Excellent equipment. Daily cleaning.
Visit also:
To Rome centre map, for the exact location. |
This page is dedicated to all the domes and sights you can see from the terraces of the apartment, and which will surround you. The panorama is endowed with the discreet (yet with no less personality) old reddish-ocre roofs, and by the light blue skies of Rome. On cloudy days, Rome's clouds, typically low, and displaying ever-changing shapes, complete the view.
Left view from the higher terrace: the domes of San Carlo ai Catinari, of Sant'Andrea della Valle, of Sant'Agnese and San Ivo alla Sapienza appear if they were attending a procession. |
On the left side of the terraces, towards Campo de' Fiori and Piazza Navona, you will see the domes of San Carlo ai Catinari in Campo de' Fiori, of Sant'Andrea della Valle, and of Sant'Agnese in Piazza Navona, all lined-up as if they were attending a procession (the domes will appear nearer than in the above photo, as the wide angle used make the domes appear more distant than it occurs in the reality).
The dome of San Carlo ai Catinari
(third highest in Rome after St. Peters'). |
The dome of Sant'Andrea della Valle
(second highest in Rome after St. Peters'). |
San Carlo, situated in Largo Arenula, is the nearest church. It is dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo, a cardinal of Milan whose motto was "Humilitas" (humbleness). The first chapel to the right just after the entrance is dedicated to the owners of the palace of this apartment, who will welcome you upon your arrival. Sant'Andrea della Valle (in Corso Vittorio Emanuele) has the second highest dome in Rome after St. Peter, and is the main church of the Order of the Teatine priests.
The dome of Sant'Agnese in Piazza Navona, and its two belfries. This church was designed by Francesco Borromini (17th century). In the distance you can see the two domes of the astronomical observatory in the Monte Mario hill. |
The shell-like dome of San Ivo alla Sapienza, still designed by Francesco Borromini. |
Sant'Agnese, designed by the genial 19th century architetct Francesco Borromini, is situated in Piazza Navona, and it faces the fountain of Four Rivers, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Whether true or not, anecdotes of the rivalry between the two architects abound. Francesco Borromini also designed the church and the dome of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, situated in Piazza Sant'Eustachio, between Piazza Navona and the Pantheon. Its shell-like dome remembers an ancient Babylonian "Ziggurat", or spiral pyramid.
Amidst the chimneys and the old roofs you can have a glimpse also of the Pantheon's dome, looking like a flying saucer. Built in the 1st century CE by the ancient Romans, it is the largest one-cast concrete dome ever built, and it is larger than the dome of St. Peter. |
The dome of the Chiesa del Gesu' (Jesus Church), the main church of the Jesuit Order. |
You can also have a glimpse of the Pantheon's dome, resembling a flying saucer, amidst the chymneys and the old roofs. Near to it, to the right, you find the elegant dome of the Chiesa del Gesu' or Jesus' Church, the main church of the Jesuite order. It was built on purpose not high and sober, to symbolize the precept of poverty of the order.
The winged victory chariot on top of the Victor Emmanuel monument also known as Vittoriale or Fatherland Altar... and masons repairing the roof tiles of the nearby Palazzo Mattei, in the forefront. |
Another winged chariot, this one more distant, and situated on top of the Palazzo di Giustizia (Palace of Justice) along the Tiber banks |
You will also be impressed by two victory chariots: one on top of the Palazzo di Giustizia near the Tiber (more distant), and one nearer, on top of the Vittoriale or Altare della Patria, the Altar of Fatherland or Victor Emmanuel monument. It celebrates the indipendence and union of Italy of 1870 in which the king Victor Emmanuel had a major role. Dubbed "the type writing machine" by Romans, and "Wedding cake" by the American soldiers in WW2, it is a controversial monument, as to build it many ancient churches and palaces of Capitol Hill had to be demolished. as many Romans believe.
The high belfry of the Municipality (Comune di Roma), situated on top of Capitol Hill, the most important hill of ancient Rome. |
The profile and the domes of the Church of Santa Maria in Campitelli. |
You can also single out clearly the palace of Rome's Municipality, situated since 2,750 years on top of Capitol Hill, the most important of the seven hills. Near it, you can see the profile and the domes of the church of Santa Maria in Campitelli, and behind it, the Palatine Hill.
For a detailed presentation of the rooms, please go to the INDEX on top of this page or - best - look the 3D FLOOR PLANS in different angles.

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