Football (soccer)
Football, as we Europeans righfully call it because we invented
it before the Americans and their football (as you know they
call ours "soccer"), is a very
tactical, geometrical, imaginative, unforeseeable sport. In
Italy it is considered also a game ("gioco del calcio",
"the nicest game on earth" the Italians say). To play it, you
need technical qualities, often inborn, but also a lot of
imagination, and great tactical qualities. You
need to be instinctive but also rational. The Latins, who generally
are the best in the world in this sport, simply love to play and touch the
ball, and privilege class above anything else.
Football is also a very intriguing and thrilling
game. There are many variables affecting the game, even
before it is played (long debates on who should play,
depending on the technical and human qualities). The result
can change at any time. Infinite situations can happen.
Scoring a goal can be at times very easy, and in other
situations next to impossible. A little episode can change
everything. You can be winning 1-0 and dominating, and
because of unpredictable variables or lack of luck you can find yourself
losing miserably 1-3. Or you can lose 1-0, attack all
the time and hit the bar twice, see your next-to-impossible-to-miss
point saved on the line, and possibly score because of
a miraculous rebound. On the other hand, because scoring a point can be so difficult, you feel in heaven once you do it. |
The quality of football is also not measured by the quantity
of points scored, although this is an important factor.
Nobody can be sure to win, even when playing with weak teaks. Brazil in the '96 Olympics in Atlanta lost with Japan 0-1: the Brazilians missed 10 points that seemed practically done, while the Japanese would not score another time in a millenium the goal they made in a next to miraculous sequence of rebounds. In the 2000 Champions League final in Europe, Bayern Munich was winning 1-0 with Manchester United. The German team dominated the match, and hit twice the post. Then in the two extra-time minutes which the referee conceded, usually a formality in which nothing changes, the Germans lost concentration and the English scored tying up. The Germans demoralized and in a few seconds Manchester United scored again winning the final. As they say, in football in fact "the ball is round": anything can happen, and matches are always different. |
Football is also played with very different
styles and cultures, or "schools" as the Italians
call them, around the world, and this generates interest.
For all these reasons it is the most popular sport in
the world. People take it as life: creative, rational
and irrational at the same never know what's
going to happen. Also, if you just begin playing it when
you are a child, you are soaked in life long. It can
become a fever, and that is why supporters are normally
called in Italian "tifosi", literally "typhus
patients" (!). The world cup every four year is practically
a psychodrama for billions around the globe. In many countries
(including Italy) football is practically the... second
official religion (together with motor sports).
Alvaro Recoba, of Inter-Milan, now of Torino
The Europeans consider football also a social event generating popular
and poetic memories.
We wrote this to make you understand why people out of the
US (i.e. 96.5% of the world population) love this sport so
much. Americans like games with numbers and situations changing
fast. For the rest of the world it is the plot, the play,
style and class, situations changing in a state-of-the-art
fashion which really matter.
Rome has two important clubs: Roma and Lazio.
Roma has yellow and red shirts (the traditional colours
of Rome, and a she-wolf as symbol - naturally...). Lazio
has light blue shirts and an eagle as symbol. They both
play at the Olympic stadium, the largest Italian stadium
and one of Europe's most renowned. There is an untreatable
rivalry between the fans of the two teams. The most known
and popular Italian teams are though all of Northern Italy:
Juventus (Turin), Milan and Inter (both of Milan). In
fact they have always been successful teams, while the
achievements of Roma and Lazio, although they are old
teams too, are quite recent.
Click the link below for the photos of the celebration for the victory
of Roma in the 2001 Italian championship, and links reporting
the results of the football matches in Italy, with a coverage of the activities, facts, and
of the lastest news.
Visit also the page: Rome 2001 Champion
We don't recommend that you attempt buying tickets online from international online oreign organizations.
Buying in Italy football matches is quite complicated, for a (long list) number of reasons which are beyond the comprehension of normal, civilized persons (it is basically a reason of safety against violent supporters, but it turned out that the measures are so complicated that even decent people find it hard or impossible to purchase football tickets, or even to have this card!).
There are only a few places in Rome where you can purchase tickets "normally", they belong to the organization called TICKET ONE.
One which is in Rome's central areas can be found near the Vatican. To purchase tickets you will need to have:
- an ID document *of all the persons or kids purchasing tickets* (only one person might go to the shop to buy tickets, yet he/she will need to bring all the IDs of the persons who want to purchase a ticket).
- payment cash on the nail (this is Italy, remember? Credit cards are not welcome nor trusted).
The address of the shopt is:
00195 ROMA (RM)
Tel. (+39) 0637512436
It is 100 meters appr. from the metro stop OTTAVIANO, which is the one near the Vatican, and only two stops distant from SPAGNA where you are. Take the subway line A, direction "BATTISTINI-SAN PIETRO", get outside, look for the place, which is near.
You can find the exact location in GOOGLE MAPS:
and put in the address:
Supporters of Roma A.S. are archrivals of Lazio A.S. (Associazione Sportiva), which is historically the 1st team of Rome (founded in 1900 AM, Rome in 1927 AD). Inter F.C. and Lazio are "twin" teams, IE they are friends (and their supporters). The derby Roma - Lazio is practically a war, and all Rome becomes for one day (or two) a war zone (soldiers, fights, car burned, etc. etc.). It is next to ridiculous, because in each family you might have supporters of both, as they are both teams of Lazio (the regions' name) and of Rome (the capital of the region).
In the Tribuna Trastevere or in the Tribuna Monte Mario you find the affluent people, and a good view (don't go in the CURVE, supposing you find the tickets, because the field is very far!). Anyway to get to the CURVA NORD, where host fans go, you need the above mentioned "Supporter card", and in the CURVA SUD you find the "fans" which can be very picturesque, but also wild...
Good luck, and enjoy the match and the stadium, which is very scenic!
In essence, football (Calcio) in Italy is a religion... "Panem et circenses" the ancient Romans say, IE, bread and circus, to keep people distracted, and this is precisely what the Italians do all the time...
We recommend that you watch one football match of Lazio and one of Roma, as they area totally different experiences:
(A) Lazio match: the "Laziali" (fans) honour their ancient club history, it's a matter of loyalty, their symbol is the eagle of (ancient) Roman legions, and they make a real eagle especially trained fly all over the stadium before every match! They feel besieged by the Romanisti, and betrayed by the media, who they claim (rightfully) favour ROMA, the team of the government institutions, of the establishment in the official Italian TV RAI etc.
(B) Roma match: the "Romanisti" believe they are the only representatives of Rome, and that the Laziali are the provincial boors near Rome (the real history is actually *the opposite!*). This makes them braggarts, rude, violent at times, if they lose it's "all fault of the referee" and of the power of Northern football teams, Juve, or maybe Inter, the weather, or just bad luck... What a go!
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