Rome panorama guided tour
See all Rome with an expert who will explain to you all Rome's sights, also with the help of powerful binoculars! |
MUSIC: Il cielo in una stanza
(The sky inside a room),
by Gino Paoli, 1960 |
There are many guided tours prepared in Rome, yet only with us you can book a tour with an expert explaining to you all Rome's sights from most panoramic points. The expert will also provide powerful binoculars.
You will be able to single out all Rome's sights, you will receive explanations on their history and about their specific features, together with many tourist tips and suggestions (also on how to make panoramic photos, all the photos in this section were provided by the expert). |

One of the many views: Capitol Hill, Jesus' Church, Trajan's column, Sant'Andrea della Valle, and a forest of other sights: the expert will single them out for you, explaining their history and peculiar features, or anedocts. |
The expert of Rome views and sights performing the service is an English-speaking doctor. He is also an expert of panoramic photography, and he will enable you to single out all Rome's visible sights. You don't have to worry about bringing your binoculars, he will provide a very powerful one. You can naturally bring your cameras, so you will bring back home memorable pictures. Know more >>

Another view: to the left the Church of St. Agnes of Piazza Navona, to the right the Pantheon and the Quirinale Palace. Between them, a forest of domes, sights and columns: the expert will make you single out each and any of them! |
If you are interested in knowing more about Rome's sights, the expert will give you a concise recap of the history and of the features of all the sights. A wonderful introduction of Rome! It will enable you to have a general picture (and what a picture!) of the Eternal city, and thus orientation when you will visit each single sight. Know more>>

Another view: among the many sights you can see to the left the Borghese Gardens, the Villa Medici and the Church of San Carlo al Corso, in the middle the Spanish Steps, to the right (foreground) the Oratory of St. Philip Neri of Francesco Borromini, and the Chiesa Nuova. |
The doctor will also explain to you all the best vantage points to see Rome views, and will also give you explanations (if asked) about how making panoramic photos. Know more>>

Another view: to the left Rome's municipality, on top of Capitol Hill (since nearly 2,764 years!), in the centre in the distance you see the walls of the Coliseum, and in the foreground the Church of the Holiest Trinity of the Pilgrims, then the quadrangular dome of the Jewish Synagogue, and St. John Lateran in the distance. |
How the Rome panoramic service works, and how you can book it
The Rome panoramic views service is typically organized on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 AM. You will meet the expert directly at the assigned panoramic site.
The price is reasonable: 150 Euro for groups up to four persons, and 200 Euro for groups up to 6 persons.
You will be able to see also the midday cannon fire celebration, commemorating the battles for independence of Rome during the Italian Resurgence of 19th century.
The service ends at 1 PM.
We can possibly organize a car service to pick you up at your accommodation, which will bring you to the panoramic site (and possibly back to your accommodation).
To inquire, please write to [email protected] writing in the subject line "Rome panoramic tour".
We will reply to you promptly.