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"THE TURTLES' DREAM": wonderful four bedroom three bathrooms, amazing sitting room, separate large dining room / kitchen, terrace in historical palace facing the Turtle Fountain. Elevator. New! Highly recommended.
"The TURTLES NEST": Finest three bedroom two bathroom apartment with sitting room, dining room, panoramic terrace / roof garden with stunning Rome views, BBQ and additional kitchen, in an elegant historical palace facing the famous Tortoise fountain. Excellent fittings and equipment. Elevator!
New! Highly recommended.
Colosseum "ROMA": Elegant large 4 bedroom 3 bathroom apartment in a quiet and charming street with perfect view of the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Capitol Hill. Tastefully furnished and very well equipped.
Panisperna. "BORROMINI": a two bedroom (double and
single), sitting-dining room apartment in an 18th century building.
Two bathrooms
Panisperna. "BERNINI":
a two double bedroom, sitting-dining room apartment in an 18th century
building. Two bathrooms
Via del Boschetto. "BOSCHETTO": a small, cosy economy one bedroom apt., well appointed and well equipped. (2-3 persons). |
Ths Coliseum (Colosseo in Italian) is Rome's icon, since ancient times. Very few know that it was built with the war booty of the destruction and sack of Jerusalem by emperor Titus in 70 AD. Jewish slaves also worked in its construction.

The awesome icon of ancient Rome's might and of the engineering cleverness of the Romans, but also of the worst side of its culture, it is now a scenic and romantic sight. From left to right in the photo you can see the Coliseum, the Arch of Constantine, and the Temple of Venus, on a Sunday sunset. Click here for a natural panoramic view of the Coliseum!
The view of the Roman Forum is most fascinating. The panoramic photo below gives you an overview from Capitol Hill. The palace immediately to the left is Rome's Municipality since the earliest times. Today it is the seat of the
Municipality and the Mayor's office.
From left to right you can see the Torre Spaccata (or "broken tower"), the church built on top of St. Peter's jail (Mamertino), the arch of Septimius Severus, the Curia or Roman Senate (behind it), the Sacred Way (where tourists are walking), the Temple of Saturn (with its high columns, it was the seat of the Roman State Treasury). At its right you can see the remains of the Basilica Julia. The hill to the right is the Palatine, and in the background you can see the silhouette of the Coliseum.
Opposite view, from the centre of the forum: the Capitol Hill and of the Arch of Septimius Severus are in the forefront. |
The Coliseum (Amphitheater Flavius) construction ended in 80 AD. An
achievement of the Romans' engineering capacity, it also represented
the obscure part of a great civilisation. The Arch of Constantine
was erected to celebrate the emperor's victory over Maxentius in 312
AD. Constantine legalized Christianity with the edict of Milan of
313 AD.
Top engraving of the Arch of Titus
The Arch of Titus is dedicated to the emperor. In the highest part you find an impressive engraving: "[by the] The Senate and People of Rome [their acronym is the famous SPQR] divine Titus son of divine Vespasianus son of divine (emperor) Vespasian Augustus".
This arch is famous especially for its celebration of Titus' quashing of the Jewish revolt of 70 AD, which brought to the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, still mourned by the Jews until now.
In addition to the domination of the Jews' homeland, the Romans paid little respect for their religion, and expected them to worship their emperors as gods. All this brought the Jews to rise against the Romans in various occasions (70 AD, 114 AD, and finally in 135 AD).
A bas-relief in the arch shows Roman soldiers carrying to Rome a large "Menorah" (Jewish seven branches chandelier) and war booty.
Click here for detailed photo |
On the other side of the arch, another bas-relief shows emperor Titus entering triumphant in Rome on his war chariot, flanked by a winged Nike (goddess of victory).
Roman Jews always refused to pass under the arch. Only in 1948, when Jews acquired again a homeland with the foundation of Israel, Roman Jews celebrated passing under the arch, yet in the opposite direction of their ancestors, towards Jerusalem. |
As you will visit the Roman Senate you will inevitably be brought to recall the countless historical events in which Senators decided the fate of Rome. Bear in mind though that Julius Caesar was not slain here (as most people believe), but in a subsidiary branch of the Senate, within Pompey's Theatre (click here for its presentation and photos).


Ancient Rome's Senate |
The site were Julius Caesar was cremated |
In the Forum you will find instead the site were Julius Caesar was cremated, after the famous speech of Mark Anthony. Until this day on March 15, the day of the ides of March, Romans and visitors pay their respects to the former emperor, laying flowers on the site.
Trajan was the first emperor not to be born in Italy. In fact, he was born in Spain, and he always deployed fine non-Roman architects for this achievements, such as Apollodorus of Damascus.
He is renowned for his two wars (101 - 103 AD) in which Rome conquered former Dacia, which thus became Romania.
With the war booty he built his most spectacular Trajan Forum, which included a library competing with that of Alexandria, a forum, a temple, and finally a market or mall, the first built in history. The mall, with a semi-circular layout, is so large that a part of the Esquiline hill had to be levelled. |
Trajan market - view of the floors
with the merchants' shops
The unending and steep flight of steps of the Church Santa Maria in Ara Coeli and the "Cordonata" or flight of steps to Campidoglio square (Capitol Hill)
The square of Campidoglio (Capitol
Altare della Patria or Vittoriale
(Altar of the Fatherland)
The winged statue of Victory leading the chariot of horses, on top of the monumeent. |
The statue of King Victor Emmanuel
II overlooking Rome, seen from the Altar of Fatherland
Mouth of truth (Bocca della Verita').
The mouth of truth (Bocca della Verita'). It is part of the Church
of Santa Maria della Cosmedin. It is questionable what it was originally.
Probably it was the lid of a water source, and the head displayed
is that of a God of the River or Waters. It is said that if one lies
while putting a hand in the mouth, it will bite the hand off. The
photo shows a tourist trying her chances with the God of the River.

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